Sunday, October 27, 2019

"Values" - A treasure trove of Jewells [An incident from Cadavasal]

Goddess Gajalakshmi painted in the walls of Cadavasal House by an 
Artist from Thanjavur  in the first quarter of the 20 century.
This story was recited by my father who heard it from my great-grandfather – CRN thatta

 In his early childhood, C.R.N thatha used to take a twig and mischievously poke a lump on one of the helpers in his cadavasal ancestral home, Dharmi Paati's  leg.

Dharma patti  asked him to refrain from his mischief. On being asked why, she made up a story to satisfy his curiosity. She said that there were jewels and money inside her lump, something like a treasure trove, which could be taken out some day in future and CRN can have his share.

One day, due to her old age she passed away. Owing to his boyish innocence, CRN decided to go and retrieve this promised "treasure". On being questioned by his mother Cadavaasal Paati, about where he was headed to, he recited the same story, he had heard from Dharmi patti to her.

Instead of bursting his fantasy bubble, Cadavsal paati handled the situation in a very calm and wise manner, ( Cadavasal patti being a personification of a Divine Self within). Patti reasoned that they were a well-to-do family in the village and one of the most important values in the family was the nature of giving.
Hence, the money in Paati's lump should be left for her own grand children. Let it be that CRN has given his due and share for Dharmi patti’s grand children.

That day, instead of disheartening him, Cadavaasal Paati thought CRN a valuable lesson in life, more precious than any jewels found in a treasure trove.
Many of CRN thatta’s network of friends and family members recall fondly the numerous ‘random acts of kindness ‘ that he has performed for others throughout his career and life!!

-Apoorva S Jagadeesan